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Research Highlight: 
GO-BC looks to the Arctic

GO-BC spoke to Lauren South about her upcoming visit to the 2024 Annual Science meeting of the Canada-Inuit Nunangat-United Kingdom Arctic Research Programme, in addition to her research plans for the future.

Get to know Lauren!

Lauren South is currently in the first year of her PhD programme at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. She attended the CINUK 2024 Annual Science Meeting through the Next Generation UK-Canada Arctic Science Engagement Scheme, which is intended to create opportunities for the next generation of Arctic researchers to explore new partnerships and potentially carry forward the work of CINUK’s 13 projects. While at the conference, Lauren shared a poster outlining her PhD research on the blue carbon potential of seagrass meadows in Arctic and subarctic fjords.

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Photograph: Lauren South aboard the Seol Mara research vessel on Loch Etive, sampling surface sediments from the upper Loch Etive Basin. Photo credits: Lauren South.

2024 Annual CINUK meeting - Ottawa, Canada

Content: This week, GO-BC-affiliated PhD student Lauren South attended the 2024 Annual Science Meeting of the Canada-Inuit Nunangat-United Kingdom Arctic Research Programme (CINUK) in Ottawa, Canada. CINUK is a partnership between Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI), Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR), National Research Council of Canada (NRC), Parks Canada (PARKS), and the Fonds de Recherche de Québec (FRQ). CINUK funded 13 projects based in Inuit Nunangat, spanning environmental, social, cultural, health, design, and engineering research.


See Lauren's E-poster that she presented at the bottom of this page!

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New Blue Carbon Research in the Arctic


In addition to her work as a PhD student at the University of St Andrews, Lauren is also affiliated with the Horizon Europe project Polar Ocean Mitigation Potential (POMP) as an early career researcher, and is searching for partners from all areas to develop a more comprehensive understanding of Arctic and subarctic seagrass to inform climate adaptation and mitigation decision-making now and in the future.


Are you a seagrass expect and/or knowledge holder? Take this 2-minute seagrass survey!

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E-poster: Lauren South's E-poster for the 2024 Annual Meeting of CINUK in Ottawa, Canada; December 2024.

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